The 2007 IRAM Observing School, which was held between September 28th and October 5th in Pradollano broke an IRAM internal record in national diversity: The 45 participants of this event came from 21 different nationalities (Fig. 5). This shows the increasing awareness of mm-astronomy, which is due to the scientific capabilities of present instruments but also future observatories such as ALMA.
The students of the school participated in a series of lectures on mm-astronomy and its synergy with FIR astronomy, in tutorials and in observing small projects with the 30-m telescope. Highlight talks about the HERSCHEL observatory and ALMA were presented by Jesús Martín-Pintado from the IEM/CSIC (Madrid) and by Alison Peck, ALMA deputy project scientist, who had been a student at the first Observing School in Spain in 2001.
Since the lectures and also the result of the group work might be useful to students who could not participate, we have put them on our web: