To facilitate the execution of short ( 8 h) programmes, we propose ``service observing'' for some easy to observe (e.g. short, single source) programmes with only one set of tunings. Observations are made by the local staff. This is a passive way of observing, no direct interaction with the telescope through OBS being possible. During the observations, a copy of the spectra.30m file can be updated automatically at a remote computer via Internet using special IRAM software. This allows a remote observer to monitor the data as they are taken. At present software exists for HP Unix workstations. Versions for other operating systems could be prepared on request (please contact W. Wild ( or W. Brunswig ( in advance). If interested in service observing, specify it as a ``special requirement'' in the proposal form (IRAM will decide which proposals will actually go to that mode). For service observations, we request an acknowledgement of the IRAM staff member's help in the forthcoming publication.
Remote observing is possible from the IRAM Granada office. The observer will have all control and status screens as at the telescope. Communication with the operator is via typing on a split screen (``xhchat'') or by telephone. This mode of observation can be used by experienced observers after previous agreement with IRAM Granada (Wolfgang WILD).
First tests of remote observing via a digital telephone line (ISDN)
have been made from Grenoble, and IRAM will make every effort
to make this mode available first from Grenoble, and then
also from other locations. Status, data, and
control screens are transferred from the telescope to the remote
location via a dedicated ISDN line (which in principle has a speed of
64 kbyte/sec). The
remote observer types the observing commands as usual, but for
safety reasons no direct interaction with the telescope control program
OBS is allowed, so that the OBS commands have to be loaded by the telescope
operator. Because of the load on the telescope operator, we plan to open
this mode only to simple and relatively short programs -
typically for long integrations on a couple of sources. To use this
mode, some technical requirements (hardware and software) have to be
fulfilled (see the box below).
If you apply for this observing mode,
please specify it as ``remote observing from ... (location)'' in the
``special requirement'' section of the proposal form
(here also, IRAM will decide which proposals will actually be executed in
this mode). Before carrying out the observations, a previous test run
needs to be arranged well in advance with the IRAM Granada staff.
Technical requirements for remote observing at the 30m
Contact W. Brunswig
for further details.