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Proposers should be aware of constraints for data reduction:
- In general, data should be reduced in Grenoble. Proposers
will not come for the observations, but will have to come for the
- We keep the data reduction schedule very flexible, but wish to
avoid the presence of more than 2 groups at the same time in
Grenoble. Please contact us in advance.
- IRAM may consider splitting the data reduction in two phases:
intermediate calibration and final mapping. Such a splitting is often
necessary for the high resolution images. In such a case, the
proposers must be ready to come at IRAM for fast data reduction of the
``compact'' configurations.
- CLIC is still evolving fast to cope with the evolution of the
PdBI array. The newer versions are upward compatible with the previous
releases, but the reverse is not true. Observers wanting to finish
data reduction at their home institute should obtain an updated
version of CLIC, which is now available. Because differences between
CLIC versions may potentially result in imaging errors if new data is
reduced with an old package, we insist that observers having a copy of
CLIC take special care in maintaining it up-to-date.
Data reduction will be carried out on the dedicated HP workstations.