A 4GS/s Sampling Head

for the next generation PdBI wideband correlator


Olivier GENTAZ  IRAM/Back-End

 September 2006








The new generation of receivers that will be soon installed at the PdBI delivers a 4GHz IF bandwidth (from 4 to 8 GHz). The future wideband correlator being expected to have an input frequency range of 2 to 4 GHz, a Sampling-Head that performs 2-Bit/4-Level band-pass sampling at 4GS/s has been developed. This assembly has been named “SHERIF” (Sampling Head Extending Range of Iram Facility). It makes an extensive use of very-high-speed COTS(*) chips from well-known semiconductors manufacturers. These whole chips are SiGe-based and are today ready-made and available for sale. You will find hereafter a detailed description of the assembly.



(*): Commercial Off-The-Shelf”

1. Target Specifications

2. Block Diagram

3. Physical Implementation

4. High-Level Test Equipment

5. Test Results

6. Conclusion



1. Target Specifications


The table below lists the specifications that have been settled prior to start the design.







Functional Specifications

Quantization Scheme


2-Bit / 4-Level

The 3 sampling thresholds are adjustable

Digital Outputs

Time Demultiplex Factor



Compelled by COTS Demux chip

Output Coding




                                -V1       V0     +V1






















Output Logic Levels

All Outputs terminated with 100W differential load

LVDS standard

Compelled by COTS Demux chip

Performance Specifications

Sampling Rate


4GS/s Min 


Analog Input Bandwidth


2GHz to 4GHz Min


Analog Input Bandwidth Ripple


1dBPeak-Peak Max

This value limits the SNR loss to 0.4%

Analog Input Bandwidth Slope


1dBEdge-Edge Max

This value limits the SNR loss to 0.2%

Analog Input Level

-20 dBm to 0 dBm

 0.5dB step adjustment

Analog Input Return Loss

2GHz £ Fin £ 4GHz

14 dB Min

(14dB Û SWR £ 1.5)

Sampling Clock Input Level




Demultiplexing Clock Input Level





Table 1.1: Target Specifications



Beyond electrical performances, special attention has been paid to the mechanical design in order to get a compact assembly able to be slipped into its “Delay-Data Format Conversion” motherboard.



2. Block Diagram




Fig 2.1: Sampling-Head Schematic Block Diagram




The sampling head assembly has been divided up into 3 physical units, each corresponding to the main functions of a Sampling-Head: conditioning and digitizing the signal, then lowering the output data rate.

This modular approach

1) Provides a high RF isolation between blocks (at the expense of a careful mechanical design).

2) Allows for individual design and test of the different blocks helping thus to minimize the unfeasibility risk.


The classical Flash architecture has been adopted for the sampler block. The Demux board makes use of two independent 1:16 demux chips (a Maxim IC product) that are disciplined together according to a proven method described in the ALMA memo #383.



3. Physical Implementation


 The picture hereafter shows the sampling-head prototype assembly under different views.




Fig 3.1: Sampling-Head Assembly Overview



Signals are transmitted from the housing upper deck to the lower deck via a buried coaxial link or a stacked high-speed differential connector.


Though the majority of the parts are digital devices, microwave design rules have been applied in order to make sure the selected very high-speed chips can fully express their performances. The assembly housing has been designed as compact as possible in order to shorten the distance between high-speed devices. Moreover, controlled line lengthening both on sampler and demux board ensures the set-up and hold time requirements of the chips are met without the need of an adjustment that would likely be very touchy @ 4Gb/s.





3.1 The Sampler Board


The Sampler board converts the 2-4GHz band into a 2-Bit/4-Level data stream @ 4GS/s thanks to 3 ultrafast comparators followed by a set of high-speed digital chips. Chips are interconnected with differential microstrips and interfaced with high-speed differential logic standards (CML, PECL, etc…)

 The conversion is performed according to 3 adjustable sampling thresholds. Once these thresholds are properly adjusted, the sampling-head delivers a stable near-perfect sample statistical distribution leading the correlator to operate with its maximum efficiency.






         Fig 3.2: The Sampler Board Top Face                                                         Fig 3.3: The Sampler Board Bottom Face





3.2 The Demux Board



The Demultiplexer board converts the 4GS/s incoming serial data stream into 16 parallel LVDS data streams @ a 250MHz rate.


A data being made up of 2 bits, 2 independent demux chips are implemented. As the selected chips have their own internal clock divider, each divider can be set in any state amongst the 16 possible states at power-up. This may lead to have an output data misalignment from one demux to the other. This uncertainty about the proper alignment of the output data is not only unacceptable for repeatability concerns (the timing adjustment for a proper output data capture would be drastically tightened) but also because it may generate scalloping in the output data spectrum up to a crippling level.


So, a disciplining circuit has been implemented. Just as a PLL ensures the phase of a VCO is locked to the phase of an external clock reference, this circuit ensures that the whole set of the output data are always aligned in time with respect to the incoming correlator clock. This may be seen as a “discrete” PLL being able to work only with a finite number of phase states.




Fig 3.3: The Demux Board Top Face





3.3 The Analog Front End Board


The AFE board controls the input power thanks to a 0.5dB step digital attenuator that fits the input signal amplitude to the sampling thresholds. It will also eventually compensate for the band slope of the incoming IF signal.


This board will be made up of common broadband RF devices and several sources have been identified for these devices. Therefore, provided that usual microwave design rules are applied, its implementation is not risky and will be done later once the spectral properties of the incoming IF signal will be known with accuracy.




4. High-Level Test Equipment



Physical layer tests usually performed with RF generators and oscilloscopes can only ensure that the data electrical characteristics are compliant to the needed transmission standard (ECL, CML, LVDS, etc…). In order to determine the meaning of the generated bit flow, high-level tests must be performed once the different boards have been integrated within the assembly housing.


For this purpose, the IRAM Digitizer Test Equipment (DTE) developed for the ALMA chip sampler test has been enhanced:

    1) Mechanical design

        The test equipment has been integrated within a rack providing thus a Stand-Alone unit suitable for both test & production phases

    2) Finer resolution of the test correlator

        Thanks to a higher capacity FPGA, the previous 192 channels resolution has been raised up to 320 channels, i.e.  6.25MHz channel spacing @ 2GHz bandwidth






Fig 4.1: The Test Autocorrelator Board





Fig 4.2: The Sampling-Head Test Setup


This equipment performs the following measurements:

            - Statistical distribution of the input samples

            - Frequency response (ripple and flatness)

            - Stability over time (Allan variance)



These high- level characteristics give a complete qualification of the Sampling-Head module




5. Test Results



5.1 Preliminary Measurements


5.1.1 Sampler Board



Fig 5.1: Sampler Test Board


Fig 5.2: Sampler Output Eye Diagram @ 4GHz (Sign Bit)



The rise/fall times of the sampler output eye diagram are oscilloscope limited (chip specification: 60ps max). Nevertheless the eye opening at the demux input stage meets the worst-case requirements with margin (amplitude must be outside the green area, clock can toggle anywhere within the figure 5.2 green area).




5.1.2 Demux Board


The proper functioning of the disciplining circuit can be seen on the two figures below.


The figure 5.3 shows the phase comparator output of the disciplining circuit in motion. This measurement is done with a sliding 250MHz clock such as the disciplining circuit is constantly seeking for a stable phase state. Thanks to the display persistence, one can see that all the possible phase states are swept.


The figure 5.4 shows the phase comparator output of the disciplining circuit during a random phase-seeking sequence triggered by power-up. The mean time to phase lock is » 6ms.





                    Fig 5.3: A Demux Phase States Grid                                        Fig 5.4: A Demux Typical Phase Seeking Sequence




The two figures hereafter shows the demux output eye diagram.


The figure 5.5 has been performed with a fast oscilloscope to avoid rise/fall time measurement to be limited by instrumentation. The eye diagram is ringing-free, outstandingly opened and LVDS compliant.


The figure 5.6 aims to check whether the Sign-Bit and the Mag-Bit data are properly aligned. More over, the FPGA input data capture range measured thanks to the DTE has also been transposed on this figure showing a 60% safe load for data capture.




Fig 5.5: The Demux Output Eye Diagram @ 250MHz


Fig 5.6: Alignment of the Demux Output Data






5.2 High-Level Characterization


5.2.1 Validity of the captured Data


Prior to any data analysis, the coherence of the 16 demux channels is checked: the statistical mean and standard deviation of each demux output are computed and compared to their expected theoretical values, getting therefore the “Offset relative error” and “Amplitude relative error”.


If the demux are properly working as a whole, the data delivered over the 16 channels must have the same statistical properties. This can be seen hereafter on the screenshot of the “Probability Distribution Function Viewer”. This software displays the offset relative error and amplitude relative error of each channel like a vector. The whole set of the 16 vectors is displayed on an XY chart (“error constellation”) and if all the demux outputs are properly aligned, all vectors must be collinear. Any vector whose magnitude or direction is significantly different from the others will point out a data misalignment of the corresponding channel (likely due to a timing corruption). Such a display provides a very useful global indicator to instantaneously assess the complete working of the assembly under test.


The input data capture range of the FPGA that process the samples have been measured to be 2.5ns over the 4ns clock period.





Fig 5.7: Data Alignment Check of the 16 Demux Channels @ 250MHz


On the screenshot hereunder, all the vectors are well within the 0.2% error limit (red circle) and grouped toward the same direction. This measurement definitely validates the sample output coding and the demux synchronization circuits.




5.2.2 Global measurement


The test software is performing 3 measurements that are displayed together on the figure 5.8 hereafter:

1) the statistical distributions over a single demux channel.

2) The frequency spectrum of the sampler input signal through FFT of the sample autocorrelation.

3) The Allan variance to measure the sampler gain stability over long term.


The measurements are stable and reproducible




Fig 5.8: The Test Software GUI Global View





 5.2.3 Threshold Spacing and Allan Variance



Fig 5.9: Sample Statistical Distribution Measurement

after thresholds adjustment



Fig 5.10: Allan Variance Measurement



The three sampling levels can be accurately adjusted to the optimal levels. As they are independent, they can compensate for any of the three comparators offset that would otherwise generate an asymmetry of the sample statistical distribution. The measurement here below shows that after adjustments, errors on each individual distribution bins can be lowered down to 10-3.


The measurement is performed with a –1.5dBm power at the sampler input.

This power level corresponds to sampling levels that should be ±56.8mV (@ V/s=0.906). At the comparators input, the measured sampling levels are:

-V1: -50.4mV    V0: -1.2mV    +V1: +50.7mV


At first sight, this input level range should be compatible with the IF Processor outputs after addition of a front-end amplifier module.



The Allan variance displayed on the figure 5.10 measurement shows a gain stability up to 64s. For integration times up to 128s, the DG/G standard deviation remains even lower than 10-4. Thus, like it is, this module is suitable for single dish observations.


This measurement is performed in a lab environment. Under a controlled temperature environment, this stability is expected to be better yet.




5.2.4 Frequency Response



Fig 5.11: Input Noise Source Spectrum measured with an

R&S FSEB spectrum analyzer




Fig 5.12: Input Noise Source Spectrum

     without calibration




The sampling-head is fed with gaussian noise from a 2-4GHz noise source whose spectrum has been previously  measured with a spectrum analyzer (figure 5.11 measurement).




On the figure 5.12 screenshot, the filter skirts can be identified (FcL=2.1GHz, FcH=3.9GHz) and within the bandpass, the displayed spectrum shape clearly meets the figure 5.11 measurement.





Fig 5.13: The Sampler Calibrated Frequency Response



The sampler calibrated frequency response is deduced from the subtraction of the measured noise source spectrum to the spectrum computed from the autocorrelation.


Within the bandpass, the slope is ~ +0.4dB and the ripple is ~ ±0.2dB.




5.3 Overclocked Operation


Overclocking digital boards is a simple and pretty good way to estimate the margins of a design.


The sampling head has been overclocked up to 8GHz (see screenshot here below) with reduced performances (offset non-cancellation, increase of the noise floor). This outstanding result just demonstrates that the digital parts implemented on boards offer great margins that will ensure a good production yield of the assembly as well a high level of quality for the sampler data @ 4GS/s.




Fig 5.14: Low-Pass Sampling Operation @ 8GHz Sampling Frequency





5.4 Measured Characteristics





Target Value 

Measured Value 


Functional Specifications

Quantization Scheme


2-Bit / 4-Level

2-Bit / 4-Level


Digital Outputs Time Demultiplex Factor





Output Coding




                           -V1    V0   +V1























                            -V1    V0   +V1






















Output Logic Levels

All Outputs terminated with 100W differential load

LVDS standard

LVDS standard


Performance Specifications

Sampling Rate


4GS/s Min 

100MS/s to 8GS/s

Over Pass

Analog Input Bandwidth


2GHz to 4GHz Min

DC to 6GHz

Over Pass

Analog Input Bandwidth Ripple


1dBPeak-Peak Max



Analog Input Bandwidth Slope


1dBEdge-Edge Max



Analog Input Level

-20 dBm to 0 dBm

-8dBm to +7dBm

Nominal Level Pending

AFE To Be Implemented

Analog Input Return Loss

2GHz £ Fin £ 4GHz

14 dB Min

19 dB (see S11 measurement)


Sampling Clock Input Level



-20dBm to +9dBm


Demultiplexing Clock Input Level



-6dBm to +6dBm



Table 1.1: Measured Characteristics



Additional Characteristics:

-         Power consumption £ 8W.

-         Overall size:  W= 88mm (3.5’’)  L= 140mm(5.5’’)  H=32mm (1.3’’)

-         Cost: » 3.5K€/Assembly




6. Conclusion


The characteristics of the sampler have been successfully measured and have shown a great robustness of the design (full operation up to 6GHz sampling clock).


The 4GHz sampling-head first prototype thus validates the feasibility of a reproducible 4GS/s digitizer made up of COTS chips that provide us the speed and reliability needed for the next PdBI wideband correlator.









I would like to thank Roger WOJKOWIAC and Thierry MERRIEN for their support respectively in the PCB layout design and in the mechanical design of the SHERIF assembly.