Agilent E8663B      (March 2007)

DC-coupled phase noise performance :

Locked on the house BVA .
Carrier freq  is 940 MHz , RF level is -4dBm

Fig 1   E8663B  phase noise. Vertical scale is 0.45 deg/div
(calibration steps are 1 deg wide). The linear drift is explained  by lab temperature change.


Close-ups of    E8663B  (left)  and Racal-Dana (right)  under the same conditions

Spectral measurements:

Fig 2 :  The 8663B spectrum (blue) versus the 8644B (current PdB master synth, red trace) and the noise
floor of the spectrum analyser (green)

Fig 3:  same as above, at the maximum resolution of 2.5 Hz/div.   8663B= red,   8644B= blue

Sensitivity to external 10 MHz  level:

The 10 MHz level is varied from +10 dBm until the generator automatically switches to INT. For all the levels accepted as EXT, the phase noise  RMS keeps the same value.

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