IRAM organizes this year its Fourth Millimeter Interferometry School. The school will take place at the IRAM headquarters (Grenoble, France) from November 22 to 27, 2004. The registration is open now. If you want to attend the school, or if you are simply interested, please visit the school's web site at,
proceed to the section ``Registration & Practical Information'', and follow the instructions. A copy of the registration form can also be found at the end of this Newsletter. Deadline for registration is September 15. Late registrations will be handled on a best-effort base without any guarantee.
The school is intended for PhD students, post-docs and scientists who want to acquire a good knowledge of interferometry techniques at mm wavelengths. In the same spirit as the previous three interferometry schools, the courses will be focused on the Plateau de Bure Interferometer, with an outlook to the next generation interferometer ALMA. Demonstration sessions will help the participants to become familiar with the reduction and imaging of Plateau de Bure data and the related technology. We would like to encourage participants to present posters related to their scientific work.