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8.1.4 Water

The scale height of water, hw, which results from a fast evaporation/condensation process, is small (typically 2 km) compared to the equilibrium scale height ho= 8.4 km. At h = 2.5 km, the altitude of the Plateau de Bure, the water vapor column density Nw (or w, ``amount of precipitable water'', when expressed in, or cm of water) is normally reduced by a factor of 3-4, with respect to sea level. This factor, as we have seen, is strongly modulated by the local temperature gradient. w is lower in the presence of a low altitude inversion layer which reduces the vertical turbulence and traps most of the water well below the observatory.

The value of w on a site can be estimated directly by measuring the air pressure ptot (in mbar), temperature T (in K) and relative humidity RH (in percent), and using the formulas 8.7 and 8.11 adapted for water (the air pressure p is replaced by the partial water vapor pressure e):

 \begin{displaymath}w [\mathrm{mm}]= \rho_ w[\mathrm{gm}^{-3}] h_w [\mathrm{km}] %
\end{displaymath} (8.16)

 \begin{displaymath}\rho_w [\mathrm{gm}^{-3}]= {\frac{e M_w}{RT}} = 216.5 e [\mathrm{mbar}] /T [\mathrm{K}]
\end{displaymath} (8.17)

e is related to es(T), the water vapor pressure in saturated air, by:

 \begin{displaymath}e = RH\cdot e_s/{100}
\end{displaymath} (8.18)

es is a rather complex function of T, for which an approximate analytical expression, as well as tabulated values, can be found in the literature (see e.g. [Queney 1974], p.120). To the zero order, it can be expressed by:

 \begin{displaymath}e_s [mbar] \simeq 6 (T/273)^{18}
\end{displaymath} (8.19)

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