Title : (Tentative) 2D modelling the low surface brightness
stellar host in BCDs : |
with classical monodimentional ones |
Authors :
R.O. Amorin, J.A.L. Aguerri, C. Munoz-Tunon, L.M. Cairos |
Abstract : |
Modelling the low surface brightness stellar host in BCDs: Comparison |
classical monodimensional ones. |
In Blue
Compact Dwarfs galaxies, the stellar and ionized gas emission from |
starburst overshines in the innermost part of the galaxy, |
the low
surface brightness (LSB) stellar component, so the study of this |
host relies enterely on the outer regions. |
Here, as a
part of a larger program, we fitted the LSB component with a |
Sersic law
using the 2D optical and NIR images after masking out the starburst with |
the help of
our H_alpha images and color maps. We compare |
the sersic
parameters determined with this method and previous fits of |
averaged 1D
profiles for two typical BCDs of our sample, Haro2 and Haro3. |