Title : Deuterated thioformaldehyde in the Barnard 1 cloud |
Authors :
N. Marcelino, J. Cernicharo, E. Roueff, M. Gerin, R. Mauersberger |
Abstract : |
We report
on the detection of deuterated molecules in several dark clouds (Barnard 1,
TMC-1, L154 using the |
IRAM 30m
telescope at Pico Veleta. |
a 3mm line survey on these sources, we found several transitions that
intially were considered as |
Taking into account the reduced number of possible candidates, we discovered
that these lines |
arising from D2CS constants of these molecules, in particular those of D2CS.
The HDCS/H2CS and D2CS/HDCS abundance |
ratios in
Barnard 1 are both =0.3, implying an extremely high D-enhancement in
thioformaldehyde towards this cloud. |