Plateau de Bure Interferometer

Archiving Bure Projects

Writing a CDrom for IRAM Archiving

SAVPROJ: you should answer to questions in blue (or black)

Do you want to save your calibrated data ([y]/n) ? y

Do you want to make a CDROM or a DAT archive ([CD]/DAT) ? CD

Saving %s data on CDROM(s)...

You can choose between three modes:

1: ROCKRIDGE. Needed if you have symbolic links to save or you want to avoid checking your directory content. With this mode, your CD(s) will be readable only on machine supporting this mode (HP-UX, AIX, SUN, DEC Unix or LINUX).

2: PC. Don't support symbolic links and file names which have not a PC format.\n");

3: NONE. Only if you want to use your CD(s) on HP-UX.

Enter the building mode [[1]/2/3]: 2 (the best because more flexible, moreover there is no link in the standard architecture of a project account)

Enter a label (6 char max, and upper case): JB007 (or your project number)

CDROM label set to: JB007

PC mode is used to encode files name .

Checking directory content and size ...

Transfering 634534567 Bytes to CD Recorder host....

Files successfully transfered at 525 Kb/sec Asking to continue...

Put an empty CD-R in the CD Recorder drive and press RETURN when done . . .

fenetre Gear avec % . . Recording on CDROM is finished

Do you want to save your raw data (y/[n]) ? n (IPB files are already archived)

If you answered y..similar to above...

....Then procedure checks the validity of the CDrom, for that purpose close the door of the recorder when asked...