Based on our experience in carrying out configuration changes with limited access to the observatory, we plan to schedule four configuration changes next winter. We therefore ask investigators to submit proposals for all 4 of the primary configurations of the six antenna array.
A preliminary configuration schedule for the winter period is outlined
below. Adjustments to the provisional configuration planning will be
made according to proposal pressure, weather conditions, NGRx
availability and other contingencies. E.g., depending on 3mm
receiver pressure, the time in the A configuration may be
extended. Also, the November and March schedule for the C
configuration may be combined to schedule the C configuration in
March-April only. We therefore may have less time available in C
configuration this winter than in previous years. The configuration
schedule should be taken as a guideline, in particular when the
requested astronomical targets cannot be observed during the entire
winter period (45 sun avoidance circle).
Conf | Scheduling Priority Winter 2006/2007 |
C | November - December |
A | December - January |
B | February - March |
C | March - April |
D | April - May |
We strongly encourage observers to submit proposals for the new set of AB configurations. For these proposals we ask to focus on bright compact sources, possibly at high declination.
We invite proposers to submit proposals also for observations at 3mm. When the atmospheric conditions are not good enough at 1.3mm, 3mm projects will be observed: in a typical winter, 20-30% of the observing time is found to be poor at 1.3mm, but still excellent at 3mm.
All applications under this call for proposals will have to take into account that the NGRx cannot be operated simultaneously at more than one frequency. Investigators will therefore have to make it clear whether a request is made for one (e.g., 3mm) or two (e.g., 3mm and 1mm) frequency bands, irrespective of the availability of the NGRx. Proposals that need observations in the two bands will have to be duly justified.