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- 1
- Appendix I: Error beam and side lobes of the 30 m
telescope at 1.3 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm wavelength
in: Molecular Spiral
Structure in Messier 51, S. Garcia-Burillo, M. Guélin, J. Cernicharo
1993 Astron. Astrophys. 274, 144-146.
- 2
- A Small Users' Guide to NOD2 at the 30m telescope A.
Sievers (Feb. 1993)
- 3
- Astigmatism in reflector antennas: measurement and
A. Greve, B. Lefloch, D. Morris, H. Hein, S. Navarro
1994, IEEE Trans. Ant. Propag. AP-42, 1345
- 4
Frequency switching at the 30m telescope
C. Thum, A. Sievers,
S. Navarro, W. Brunswig, J. Peñalver 1995, IRAM Tech. Report 228/95.
- 5
- Cookbook formulae for estimating observing times at the
30m telescope
M. Guélin, C. Kramer, and W. Wild
(IRAM Newsletter January 1995)
- 6
- The 30m Manual: A Handbook for the 30m Telescope
(version 2), W. Wild 1995
IRAM Tech. Report 377/95,
also available on the web at
- 7
- NIC: Bolometer User's Guide
D. Broguière, R. Neri, A. Sievers, and H. Wiesemeyer 2000,
IRAM Technical Report
see also the GILDAS home page
../IRAMFR/GILDAS/ with further relevant technical reports.
- 8
- Pocket Cookbook for MOPSI software
R. Zylka 1996, available at
- 9
- Line Calibrators at
1.3, 2, and 3mm.
R. Mauersberger, M. Guélin, J. Martín-Pintado, C. Thum,
J. Cernicharo, H. Hein, and S.Navarro 1989, A&A Suppl. 79, 217
- 10
- The Pointing of the IRAM 30m Telescope
A. Greve, J.-F. Panis, and C. Thum 1996,
A&A Suppl. 115, 379
- 11
- The gain-elevation correction of the IRAM 30m Telescope
A. Greve, R. Neri, and A. Sievers 1998,
A&A Suppl. 132, 413
- 12
- The beam pattern of the IRAM 30m Telescope
A. Greve, C. Kramer, and W. Wild 1998,
A&A Suppl. 133, 271
- 13
- A Time Estimator for Observations at the IRAM 30m Telescope,
D. Teyssier 1999, IRAM/Granada Technical Note
- 14
- VESPA is operational
G. Paubert & C. Thum 2002,
IRAM Newsletter No. 54, 6
(../IRAMFR/PV/veleta.htm and
- 15
- First results from the IRAM 30m telescope
improved thermal control system
J. Peñalver, A. Greve, and M. Bremer 2002, IRAM Newsletter No. 54, 8
- 16
- A Versatile IF Polarimeter at the IRAM 30m Telescope
C. Thum, H. Wiesemeyer, D. Morris, S. Navarro, and M. Torres
in ``Polarimetry in Astronomy'', Ed. S.Fineschi,
Proc.of SPIE Vol.4843, 272-283 (2003)
These reports are available upon request (see also previous
Newsletters). Please write to Mrs. C. Berjaud, IRAM Grenoble
Clemens Thum ( & Rainer Mauersberger (
Clemens Thum