The beginning of the winter period saw good observing conditions up to Christmas and excellent atmospheric stability since mid of January. Occasional high winds have somewhat reduced the observing efficiency, but by today (January 24) we have observed 32 out of 43 A-rated and 56 B-rated programs, and already 7 have been classified as being successfully completed.
As far as A-rated projects are concerned, we look forward to bring many of these to completion before the end of the current winter semester. B-rated projects are likely to be observed only if they fall in a favorable LST range. We remind users of the Plateau de Bure interferometer that B-rated proposals which are not started before the end of the winter period have to be resubmitted again.
Global VLBI observations, which include the array in the 3mm phased-array mode, are planned from May 4 to 10, 2006.
Investigators, who wish to check the status of their project, may consult the interferometer schedule on the Web at The page is updated daily.