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Weather conditions and observations

The weather has not fully come up to expectations this winter at the Plateau de Bure: the observing conditions have been excellent in January and February but relatively poor in December, March and April when compared to the exceptional observing conditions we have been enjoying in the winter 2002/2003. Despite the difficult conditions, the observatory has brought to completion almost every A-rated project before the end of the winter period and has been able to invest observing time on many B projects, and even on a few targets of opportunity. Since last November, a total of 45 projects has successfully been scheduled for observations, and we are still confident to complete in the next few months a few projects that we have been able to start at the end of the winter period.

We would like to remind users of the Plateau de Bure Interferometer that B-rated winter proposals which were not started by May 15, have to be resubmitted. The daily status of all ongoing projects is accessible on the Internet at ./IRAMFR/PDB/ongoing.html.

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Roberto Neri