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Configurations of the six antennas array

The six antennas can be arranged in four primary configurations. The current configurations for the winter period are:

Conf Stations
D W05 W00 E03 N05 N09 N13
C W12 E10 E16 N02 N09 N20
B W12 E04 E23 N07 N17 N29
A W27 W23 E16 E23 N13 N29

The four array configurations can be used in different combinations to improve on angular resolution and sensitivity. Mosaicing is usually done with D or CD, but the combination BCD can also be requested for high resolution mosaics. Enter ANY in the proposal form if the scientific goals can be reached with any of the four configurations or their subsets.

Please consult the documentation on the Plateau de Bure configurations for further details.

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Roberto Neri