The tuning range of the 3mm receivers, nominally 80 - 115.5 GHz,
has been slightly extended toward lower frequencies. Both 3mm receivers, A100
and B100, have now been tested. Both receivers work correctly in SSB
and high USB rejection down to GHz. A test report together with a
collection of spectra is made available on our
web pages
Applications for frequencies down to GHz will be considered. Requests
for frequencies below 77 GHz should describe the precision of the calibration
needed. Due to the special LO hardware requirements observations below 80 GHz
presently exclude the simultaneous use of A230 and B230. Proposers should enter
GHz'' as special requirements on the proposal cover sheet.
Proposers should use the time estimator which will include the correct receiver temperature at the low frequencies and an extra overhead for calibration.
The second polarization module of HERA has now been installed. With the exception of one pixel where one polarization is somewhat less sensitive, the upgrade was fully satisfactory. As many observational parameters are not yet precisely known for the full dual polarization array, we request HERA proposers to consult the time estimator when estimating integration times.
The new broadband autocorrelator WILMA (Wideband Line Multiple Autocorrelator) is now operational at Pico Veleta. Hardware for synchronization with the wobbler is also expected to be in place.
Zero spacing observations with the 30m telescope needed for a proposed PdB Interferometer observation do not need a parallel proposal for the 30m telescope. It is sufficient to mark ``zero spacing'' on the interferometer proposal form. All necessary scientific and technical information about the 30m observation must be given in an additional paragraph of the Bure proposal. We strongly recommend to use the 30m time estimator.
When an interferometer proposal had not originally requested zero spacing observations, but the need for such data becomes apparent after reduction of the interferometer data, we still request a separate and self-contained proposal for the 30m telescope.
The implementation of the New Control System is advancing. A beta test is planned for November this year. The test is designed to provide complete telescope control at least for bolometer observations. More comprehensive tests are envisaged toward the end of the winter semester. The bulk of the observations will however still be observed with the present VAX-based control system which will then be 20 years old.