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In the August 1999 IRAM Newsletter we presented a ``fast-mapping
method'' for array receivers at the 30-m Telescope (see [1]). After initial successful tests, there were some open
questions left, like: `Do we observe any beam broadening due to fast
mapping? How does the noise in a map decrease with increasing
integration time?' Furthermore we want to demonstrate this method by
doing a large map of more than an hour integration time. With this
questions in mind we applied for test time. The results are summarized
Figure 1:
An example of mapping a faint source in two
different ways. In Fig. a four fast coverages are averaged, in
b a single 'normal' coverage is shown. In Fig. c the
measured RMS noise is shown obtained in 1, 2, 3 and 4 `fast' maps as
well as for the 'normal' map and the average of all 5 maps is
shown. The line shown has a slope of -1, indicating that the
RMS noise reaches the confusion limit for the longest integration.
Figure 2:
a shows a `normal' map and b a
fast map of Saturn. The contour levels are 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8,
1.6, 3.2, 6.4, 12.8, 25.6 and 50% of the peak. Figure c shows
a 13.5 by 10 arc minute map of Orion OMC1. The contour levels
correspond to 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15 ... 50 by 5% of the peak
This method works best with closely packed hexagonal arrays. There is
no need to de-rotate the array or to choose a particular scanning
direction. Here we apply this method to the MPIfR 37-channel
bolometer MAMBO II mounted in the Nasmyth focus of the IRAM 30-m.
From Fig. 1 of our previous report [1], we may distinguish two
different arrangements of pixels:
On 12th February 2000 we had 7 hours of observing time. During the
first hour the weather was too bad to observe, afterwards the opacity
improved rapidly (tau 0.12 at the end of the session!) A rapid change
in opacity often indicates that the atmosphere is not yet settled,
indeed, we had some anomalous refraction that led to the large
restoration residuals visible in the maps of the strong sources (see
Fig. 2). All maps were done chopping the sub-reflector at a
little less than 2 Hertz, scanning in Azimuth at
second. For the normal maps we used
as increment in
elevation and
for all fast maps.
We have mapped a weak point-like source of about 80 mJy peak flux
density several times, once using ``normal mapping'' and four times
using ``fast mapping'' All four fast maps were averaged and the result
shown in Fig.1a. The normal map, shown in
Fig.1b, is equivalent to 11% more integration time
compared to the average of 4 fast maps. On the right side we show the
distribution of weights in the map, it is proportional to the number
of points added per unit area, which in turn is proportional to the
integration time. From this distribution we see that it is of
advantage to map the same field at several hour angles, in particular
for fast mapping as the distribution is not very uniform. In case of
``deep'' mapping the wider distribution of weights in a fast map may
be of advantage and at the end may lead to a less centered
distribution of weights. Mapping the same field in azimuth and
elevation leads to a larger area mapped, say with weights > 90%.
We computed the RMS noise in the maps over a small `source free'
region near the center of a map. The resulting RMS noise is shown for
some combination of maps in Fig.1c. From left to right
the resulting noise for the average of 1, 2, 3 and 4 fast maps, the
normal map and the average of all maps is plotted against
The flattening of the slope
near the end may well indicate the confusion limit, which is probably
quite high since some faint extended emission is visible in this
In Figure 2 we show a normal and a fast map of Saturn
(Fig. 2a and b). The maps were interpolated onto a
Azimuth/Elevation grid. The diagonal elongated structures are caused by the
quadripod sub-reflector support legs, these merge into a patchy ring
of emission with diameter about
These features agree well
with those seen in holography maps, in spite of large disk of Saturn
). The main beam is also well reproduced in the fast
maps, comparing Gaussian fits to the main beam in our four Saturn maps
showed a total variation of about 2%. This could easily be caused by
changes in the opacity and we can only say that we did not detect any
deterioration of the main beam due to fast mapping.
Finally in Fig. 2c we show a fast map of OMC1 in
Orion. In Azimuth/Elevation we mapped a region of
At a
scanning speed in azimuth of
sec each subscan took about 133
seconds. With a spacing in elevation of
the whole map consisted
only of 29 subscans and took a little over 64 minutes to complete.
We successfully demonstrated a fast mapping method for closely packed
hexagonal arrays with more than 19 pixels. This method will gain from
more pixels, i.e. the weight distribution will be wider for fast maps
and narrower for normal maps when comparing the upcoming 117 pixel
bolometer array to the 37 pixel array.
One can improve the double beam restoration by combining the data of
several fast maps done with different chopper throws by using a
improved restoration method as described by Emerson and Payne 1995 [2].
Obviously this method can be used also with a fast scanning total
power mode developed by the MPIfR in Bonn. In this case, a four-fold
increased scanning speed of
per second would allow to cover
the region of the OMC1 map in Fig. 2 in 16 Minutes. You could map the
full moon in about 1.5 hours!
- [1]
- David Teyssier, Albrecht Sievers 1999, IRAM
Newsletter Aug 1999
- [2]
- Emerson, D.T., Payne,J.M., 1995, Multi-Feed
Systems for Radio-Telescopes, PASP, Vol. 75, p. 332
Albrecht SIEVERS and David TEYSSIER
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