IRAM plans to organize its second ``mm Interferometry Summer School'' in June 2000. The school will take place at the IRAM headquarters, in Grenoble, from June 12th to June 16th. The school is intended for PhD students, post-docs and scientists with or without a priori knowledge of radio interferometry techniques. In the same spirit as the first school, it will be focused on the specifics and applications of the millimeter domain, with examples from the Plateau de Bure Interferometer.
For this second school, we would like to encourage participants to present posters related to their own experience in interferometry (VLBI, cm, mm, optical...). In their posters, they should emphasize 1) the choice of the observing strategy with respect to the scientific goals, 2) the possible problems encountered during observations, data reduction or image analysis with their possible impact on data quality and science, 3) the scientific results.
IRAM lecturers will also provide posters. These posters will complement the lectures by presenting observational techniques used at the Plateau de Bure Interferometer, their limitations and possible instrumental biases.
Finally, a special session will be dedicated to a qualitative comparison between mm and optical interferometry techniques.
The number of participants will be limited to a maximum of 50 persons. Participation to the school will be free of charges, but participants are expected to pay their own travel and lodging expenses. Relatively cheap hotel accommodation ( FF/night with breakfast) is available in Grenoble. Transport time is about 15-20 min by public transportation. IRAM will provide information and assistance for hotel reservations, please contact C.Berjaud (
A preliminary program and the pre-registration forms can be found in Appendix I+II of this newsletter.
More details and updates will be posted under the ``Interferometry School'' link on the IRAM Grenoble home page (