IRAM will be organizing a ``mm Interferometry Summer School'' in September 1998. The school will take place at the IRAM headquarters, in Grenoble, from Sep. 14th to Sep. 18th. The school is intended for PhD students and scientists with or without a priori knowledge of radio interferometry techniques. It will focus on special aspects of interferometry at millimeter wavelengths, using the Plateau de Bure interferometer as an example.
Table 1: mm Interferometry School: preliminary program and time table
A preliminary program and schedule is given in Table 1. A visit to the Plateau de Bure interferometer is foreseen as an integral part of the school.
The number of participants will be limited to a maximum of 40 persons. Participation to the school will be free of charges, but participants are expected to pay their own travel and lodging expenses. Cheap hotel accommodation ( FF/night) is available on the University Campus. Lodging is also possible in Grenoble (transport time is about 15-20 min by public transportation). IRAM will provide information and assistance for hotel reservations. IRAM may be able to provide very limited financial support for a few participants.
Further information will be placed on the IRAM Web page ( Interested scientists should complete the pre-registration form at the end of this issue (page ) and send it to
Mrs A.Jost -- C.Berjaud Scientific Secretariat IRAM 300, Rue de la Piscine F-38406 Saint Martin d'Heres Cedex FRANCEor by E-Mail to (please specific ``Summer School'' in the topic field).