For proposals rated A or B which do not have an IRAM internal collaborator, please consult the list of local contacts.
Project | Rate | Project | Rate | Project | Rate | Project | Rate | Project | Rate |
Q001 | C | Q002 | B | Q003 | C | Q004 | A | Q005 | A |
Q006 | A | Q007 | A | Q008 | A | Q009 | B | Q00A | B |
Q00B | B | Q00C | C | Q00D | A | Q00E | # | Q00F | B |
Q010 | A | Q011 | B | Q012 | A | Q013 | C | Q014 | B |
Q015 | B | Q016 | B | Q017 | A | Q018 | B | Q019 | C |
Q01A | # | Q01B | A | Q01C | C | Q01D | C | Q01E | C |
Q01F | B | Q020 | B | Q021 | B | Q022 | B | Q023 | A |
Q024 | C | Q025 | A | Q026 | B | Q027 | A | Q028 | A |
Q029 | A | Q02A | C | Q02B | C | Q02C | C | Q02D | B |
Q02E | C | Q02F | A | Q030 | B |
115 proposals were received for the 30m telescope, requesting 4126 hours of telescope time. The highest rating ``A'' was given to 39 proposals; 45 proposals were rated ``B'', i.e. were given backup status. The remaining proposals, although scientifically valuable in most cases, were rated ``C''. The individual ratings are listed in the attached table. All A-rated proposals will be scheduled on the telescope, although some with less time than requested. We expect that about half of the B-rated programs will actually be scheduled. The selection will take into account scientific merit, crowding in certain right ascension ranges, and general aspects of balance. Proposals rated ``C'' will not get telescope time.
Additional 52 hours of 30m time were requested by 5 accepted interferometer proposals for measurement of short spacings. These proposals will get scheduled on the 30m if they get observed at Bure.
A | B | C | |||
001-06 | 007-06 | 003-06 | 004-06 | 002-06 | 010-06 |
008-06 | 009-06 | 005-06 | 006-06 | 011-06 | 016-06 |
012-06 | 013-06 | 014-06 | 018-06 | 017-06 | 021-06 |
015-06 | 020-06 | 019-06 | 022-06 | 023-06 | 035-06 |
024-06 | 025-06 | 029-06 | 030-06 | 039-06 | 040-06 |
026-06 | 027-06 | 031-06 | 032-06 | 041-06 | 042-06 |
028-06 | 033-06 | 034-06 | 036-06 | 045-06 | 051-06 |
044-06 | 046-06 | 037-06 | 038-06 | 054-06 | 057-06 |
047-06 | 049-06 | 043-06 | 048-06 | 061-06 | 063-06 |
050-06 | 059-06 | 052-06 | 053-06 | 064-06 | 066-06 |
062-06 | 065-06 | 055-06 | 056-06 | 067-06 | 076-06 |
068-06 | 070-06 | 058-06 | 060-06 | 077-06 | 083-06 |
073-06 | 074-06 | 069-06 | 071-06 | 090-06 | 094-06 |
079-06 | 080-06 | 072-06 | 075-06 | 095-06 | 097-06 |
082-06 | 084-06 | 078-06 | 081-06 | 107-06 | 109-06 |
089-06 | 091-06 | 085-06 | 086-06 | 115-06 | |
098-06 | 099-06 | 087-06 | 088-06 | ||
101-06 | 102-06 | 092-06 | 093-06 | ||
105-06 | 110-06 | 096-06 | 100-06 | ||
112-06 | 103-06 | 104-06 | |||
106-06 | 108-06 | ||||
111-06 | 113-06 | ||||
114-06 |