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News from the 30m Telescope

New telephone numbers

IRAM Granada will get a new phone system which should be much more reliable than the old one. Every extension can now be dialled directly. The switchboard will be +34 958 805454. The fax number and the numbers at the Pico Veleta observatory will not change. A complete listing is on our web page ( or can be obtained from Esther Franzin (

Access to the telescope

Reminder: Anybody who wants to access the Pico Veleta observatory with their own car needs a special permit and a key, which can be obtained at the IRAM office.


The IRAM Summer school 2001 in Granada will be directed mainly to astronomers outside the classical mm-community. There will be lectures and hands-on training. For more information, consult the web site Due to generous funding by the European Community participants from EC countries, and some other countries can obtain travel grants. Please notify candidates who could become future ``clients'' at the IRAM telescopes.


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