Your applications should be addressed as usual to IRAM
Scientific Secretariat,
300 rue de la piscine,
F-38406 St Martin
d'Hères, France. All proposals should have
reached the Secretariat by Tuesday, February 28th 1995 , midnight. (Proposals sent by
Fax will be accepted, provided they arrive by that time in a readable
form; Fax (33) 76 42 54 69 ). Except for a duplicate of the source list
(see below), no proposal should be sent by e-mail. You (i.e. the
Principal Investigator) will receive by return mail an acknowledgement
of reception and a proposal number.
To avoid the allocation of several numbers per proposal, send only one copy of your proposal, either by mail or by fax. In case your fax reaches us in time incomplete or unreadable, we will try our best to contact you (your responsibility, however).
Your proposal will only be evaluated if submitted in the correct format (these forms are available by anonymous ftp from in directory dist/proposal, together with the Latex style file). Do not use characters smaller than 11pt, which would make your proposal unreadable if we had to fax it, e.g. to the members of the P.C.
On the title page, you must fill out the line `special requirements' if you request the polarimeter, `service observing', or specific dates for time dependent observations (if there are periods when you cannot observe for personal reasons, please specify them here; beware, however, that they could be a motive for proposal rejection!).
We insist upon receiving with proposals for heterodyne receivers a complete list of frequencies corrected for source redshift (to 0.1 GHz, unless your frequencies are confidential). You should specify which receivers you plan to use. Note that the use of the 2 mm receiver prevents the use of the second 1.3 mm receiver 230G2, which, otherwise, can be used in parallel with receiver 230G1 (see below).
In order to avoid useless duplication of observations and to protect already accepted proposals, we keep up a computerised list of observational targets. We ask you to fill up carefully your source list. This list must imperatively contain all the sources you plan to observe during the coming session and only those for which you actually request observing time. To allow optical recognition of your source parameters, your list must be typed or printed following the format indicated on the Proposal Form (please, do not write by hand). If your source list is long (e.g. more than 15 sources) you may print it on a separate page, keeping the same format.
The scientific aims of the proposed programme should be explained in 2 pages of text, maximum, plus one page of figures and tables. Proposals should be self-explanatory, clearly state these aims, and explain the need of the 30 m telescope. The amount of time requested should be carefully estimated and justified (see below); it should include pointing, focussing, and calibration checks and allow for receiver tunings (on average 20 min. per receiver).
A scientific project should not be artificially cut into several small projects but should rather be submitted as one bigger project, even if this means 100--150 hrs. This approach is all the more advisable now that we have switched to 6-month summer/6-month winter sessions.
If time has already been given to one project but turned out to be insufficient, explain the reasons, e.g. indicate the amount of time lost due to bad weather or equipment failure; if the fraction of time lost is close to 100%, don't rewrite the proposal, except for an introductory paragraph. For continuation of proposals having led to publications, please give references to the latter. In all cases, indicate on the first page form whether your proposal is (or is not) the resubmission or the continuation of a previously submitted 30 m telescope proposal.