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Up: IRAM Newsletter 38 (January
Previous: Scientific results in press
- 489.
- Widespread SiO Emission in NGC 1333
B. Lefloch, A. Castets, J. Cernicharo,
L. Loinard
1998, Astrophysical Journal
- 490.
- A Molecular Jet from SVS 13B
Near HH 7-11
R. Bachiller, S. Guilloteau, F. Gueth,
M. Tafalla, A. Dutrey, C. Codella, A. Castets
1998, Astronomy and Astrophysics
- 491.
- A Three Photon Noise SIS Heterodyne
Receiver at Submillimeter Wavelength
A. Karpov, J. Blondel, M. Voss, K.H. Gundlach
1998, IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond.
- 492.
- Optimizing Receivers for Ground Based
MM-Wave Radio Telescopes
A. Karpov
1998, Proc. ESA Workshop on MM-Wave Techn. & Appl.
- 493.
- A Broad Band Low Noise SIS Radiometer
A. Karpov, J. Blondel, P. Dmitriev, V. Koshelets
1998, IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond.
- 494.
CO at the Centre of M82
N. Neininger, M. Guélin, U. Klein,
S. Garcia-Burillo, R. Wielebinski
1998, Astronomy and Astrophysics
- 495.
- CO in Absorption and Emission Toward
Compact Extragalactic Radio
Continuum Sources
H.S. Liszt, R. Lucas
1998, Astronomy and Astrophysics
- 496.
- Millimeter-Wave Interferometry
of Circumstellar Envelopes
R. Lucas, M. Guélin
1998, Symposium IAU 191
AGB Stars
Montpellier, France
- 497.
- Low and High Velocity SiO Emission
around Young Stellar Objects
C. Codella, R. Bachiller, B. Reipurth
1998, Astronomy and Astrophysics
- 498.
- The Jet-Driven Molecular Outflow of HH 211
F. Gueth, S. Guilloteau
1998, Astronomy and Astrophysics
- 499.
- Depletion of CO in a Cold Dense
Cloud Core of IC 5146
C. Kramer, J. Alves, C.J. Lada, E.A. Lada,
A. Sievers, H. Ungerechts, C.M. Walmsley
1998, Astronomy and Astrophysics
- 500.
- Interferometer
CO Observations
of the Box-Shaped Bulge Spiral NGC 4013
S. Garcia-Burillo, F. Combes, R. Neri
1998, Astronomy and Astrophysics
- 501.
- Detection of CO(4-3), CO(9-8), and
Dust Emission in the Bal Quasar
APM 08279+5255 at a Redshift of 3.9
D. Downes, R. Neri, T. Wiklind,
D.J. Wilner, P.A. Shaver
1998, Astrophysical Journal
- 502.
- A Strong Magnetic Field in the
Disk of MWC 349
C. Thum, D. Morris
1999, Astronomy and Astrophysics
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Previous: Scientific results in press