... filters)4.1
Because $\tau$ is restricted to a maximum time lag, this instrumental gain factor does not describe long-term variations.
... correlator4.2
For the sake of completeness, it should be mentioned that this is a special case of the so-called Hilbert transform, which property is to change signal phases by $\pi/2$, but to leave amplitudes unchanged.
an acronym for Correlator Architecture for Multi-Element or Multi-BEam Radio-Telescopes
... distribution15.1
In the following, we will assume an uniform noise rms, i.e. we do not take into account variation of the noise introduced by the imaging process (see lecture by S. Guilloteau).
... mapped15.2
We have considered observations of different directions, performed with the same uv-coverage. The analysis presented here shows that such an experiment is somehow equivalent to the observation of the whole source, but with a different, more complete uv-coverage.
... mosaic15.3
More precisely, this file contains the non normalized mosaic $\Sigma B_i^t \times F_i$. The proper normalization (see equation 15.12) is further done by the deconvolution procedures.