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11.3.1 Inputs

On the panel, the reducer should select with the mouse the ``File name'' of the header file. Other parameters are automatically selected by the procedure if the flag ``Use previous settings'' is set to YES which is the default. Never change it if your data are correct (no editing). The parameters ``First and last scan'' are selected automatically when ``Use previous settings'' is set to YES. The default value for the flag Min.Data quality is AVERAGE. The flag ``Use Phase correction'' must also be set to the default: YES. The current procedure uses by default the phase calibration of the receiver 1 to calibrate the instrumental phase of the receiver 2 because the experience has shown that it is the more efficient way to proceed (see R.Lucas lecture on phase calibration). Therefore, the calibration of the receiver 2 (1.3mm) cannot be dissociated from the calibration of the receiver 1 (3mm) and the flag ``Receivers numbers'' must be set to 1 2, except when observations were done at 3mm only.

Finally, the inputs ``R1 Fluxes'' and ``R2 fluxes'' are associated (when needed) to the action EFF)

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