The IRAM ARC node is an activity of the Astronomy support group
at IRAM.
People having a specific involvement in the ARC node are:
Contact the IRAM ARC node:
- Dominique Broguiere, ALMA software engineer
- Arancha Castro-Carrizo, astronomer
- Edwige Chapillon, astronomer
- Frédéric Gueth, astronomer, ARC node manager
- Cinthya Herrera Contreras, astronmer
- Melanie Krips, astronomer
- Ana López Sepulcre, astronomer
- Vincent Pietu, astronomer
- Jean-Christophe Roche, ALMA software engineer
- Ka Tat Wong, astronomer
Contact the IRAM ARC node:
Institut de Radio Astronomie Millimétrique
300 rue de la Piscine
38400 Saint-Martin-d'Hères
Tel: +33 4 76 82 49 00
Fax: +33 4 76 51 59 38
How to reach IRAM is described here.
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