After the extension of the baselines last year, the Plateau de Bure
Interferometer will see yet another major upgrade with the planned
installation of the new generation of SIS receivers. These receivers,
the result of a 6-year development effort at IRAM, are designed to
operate in single-side band mode in one of any of the four band
frequencies covering the 3mm (Band 1), 2mm, 1.3mm (Band 3) and
0.8mm atmospheric windows. They will offer dual polarization
capabilities (horizontal/vertical, each) with an IF bandwidth of
4 GHz.
In view of the progresses made recently in the lab, the current plan
is to install two channels (Band 1 and Band 3) for the upcoming winter
scheduling period (2006/2007), and to have the full set of bands
operational at the Plateau de Bure at the end of 2007. With the
present correlator, it will only be possible to correlate two 1 GHz
wide sections (one per polarization) within the 4 GHz
bandwidth. Correlation of the full 4 GHz band on both polarizations
will have to await the completion of a new correlator, presently under
development. Finally, an important difference to the current
receivers is that simultaneous dual-frequency observing will not be
possible with the new generation receivers of the Plateau de Bure
The installation of the new generation receivers (NGRx) on the Plateau
de Bure corresponds to a large system change, including transmission
lines, software, and backends, which will result in unprecedented
gains in sensitivity and bandwidth. To provide the new receivers for
the coming winter period, IRAM is working on a very tight and intense
schedule and calculated risks have to be taken in this transitional
period. In view of recent work and tests done in the receiver
laboratory, we are confident that the change to the new generation
receivers will occur as planned. We have therefore decided to reissue
a new call for proposals for the Plateau de Bure Interferometer which
takes into account these recent developments and will supersede the
call which was distributed last July. The new deadline for submission
has been extended to September 11th, 2006 at 17:00 CEST (UT + 2
In order to incorporate the potential risks associated with this
significant and difficult change, the new call for proposals will
include 1) science demonstration proposals (% of the
total time) which will need the improved sensitivities of the new
generation receivers and 2) regular proposals which will be
based on the current receiver noise figures. For both types of
proposals the advantage of the extended baselines and of the increased
useful bandwidth should be taken into account. In the case the
expected sensitivity will not be reached at the beginning of the
observing session, the science demonstration proposals will not
be observed.
Pierre Cox
The new generation receivers
Each band of the new receivers is dual-polarization (two RF and IF
channels) with the two RF channels of one band observing at the same
frequency (common LO). The different bands are not co-aligned in the
focal plane (and therefore on the sky). The mixers are
single-sideband, backshort-tuned; they can be tuned USB or LSB, both
choices being available in the central part of the RF band. The
typical image rejection is 10dB. Each IF channel is 4 GHz wide
(4-8 GHz). Only one band can be connected to the IF transmission at
any time. Because of this reason and the pointing offsets, only one
band can be observed at any time. The other band is in stand-by (power
on and local oscillator phase-locked) and is available for phase
calibration and/or time-shared alternate frequency observations.
The two IF-channels (one per polarization), each 4 GHz wide (total
8 GHz) are transmitted by optical fiber to the central building. At
present, that bandwidth can be processed only partially by the
existing correlator through a dedicated IF processor that converts
selected 1 GHz wide slices of the 4-8 GHz first IF down to
0.1-1.1 GHz, the input range of the existing correlator. Further
details are given in the section describing the correlator setup and
the IF processor.
New PdBI Receiver Specifications
Band 1
Band 3
RF coverage
40-60 (LSB)
50-70 (USB)
RF range in LSB
RF range in USB
Based on nominal RF frequency being converted to the center
of the IF at 6 GHz. The total coverage extends 2 GHz more either side. The
upper edge for Band 3 currently is limited by the triplers and should be
raised to 267 GHz in 2007.
Typical laboratory values.
Estimated values based on measured junctions at the
image frequency. Better values are expected at the band center.
Transition between LSB and USB for Band 1 is flexible.
The value will be fixed when all mixers are installed.
The receiver specifications will ultimately increase the sensitivity
of the PdBI for spectral (single line) observations by factors 2 and 3
at 100 GHz and 230 GHz, respectively. Never such a gain has been
planned in a single step at the Plateau de Bure since the opening of
the interferometer. The expected factors in sensitivity result from
gains in the receiver noise, from a better rejection of the image
sideband at 230 GHz and from the possibility to observe with two
orthogonal polarizations simultaneously. They assume that the
performances obtained from the first front-end units in the laboratory
will apply to all the units and will not degrade on the Plateau de
Bure, due to unexpected phase instabilities or to data transmission
problems. This, of course, cannot be guaranteed, especially during the
first months of operation.
In order to operate this major change at the Plateau de Bure, regular
observing will be suspended during the receiver installation and
testing period from October to November.
All in all, the weather conditions have been very good at the Plateau
de Bure last winter with long periods of excellent phase stability and low
atmospheric opacity. The interferometer recorded a 50-60% observing
efficiency in January and February but only a very low efficiency of
30% in March. To optimize the observing efficiency with respect to
the sun avoidance constraints of A-rated projects and due to some
delays with the installation of the prototype-type NGRx at the beginning
of the last winter semester, the configuration schedule of the
interferometer was slightly adjusted.
The array was moved to the most extended new configuration A
(including stations E68 and N46) in mid January, moved to the new B
configuration in mid February and to the C configuration in the
second half of March. Because of the weather conditions, the array was
rearranged to the most compact configuration (D) at the end of
April. The Global VLBI observations from May 4 to 8, 2006 could not be
joined by the Plateau de Bure array because of the irreparable
breakdown of the CNRS maser 5 days before the start of the VLBI session.
Most of the A-rated projects could be completed before the end of the
winter period, although a few projects requesting the D configuration
had to be moved into the current summer period. We have also invested
observing time on a number of B projects, and even on a few targets of
opportunity. Since last December, a total of 57 different projects
has successfully been scheduled for observations. Concerning projects
that have been started shortly before the end of the winter period, we
plan to bring these to completion in the next few months. A few deep
integration and low-resolution observations of sources in the
Orion-Taurus region had to be suspended because of sun avoidance
constraints and are now deferred to the end of the summer semester.
Finally, we would like to remind users of the Plateau de Bure
Interferometer that B-rated summer proposals which were not started by
the proposal deadline, should be
resubmitted. Investigators, who would like to check the status of
their project, may consult the interferometer schedule on the Web at
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