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Following the design described in ALMA Memo 316 [1], and using two
double side band (DSB) mixer units designed by Navarinni et al. [2],
a sideband separation mixer for ALMA Band 7 has been built and
tested at IRAM (Fig. 4,5).
An image rejection better than 10 dB has been obtained across the
Band 7 (Fig. 6). The single side band (SSB) Trec was
measured for two intermediate frequency (IF) bandwidths
(Fig. 7, 8. These tests
were performed with a mixer IF impedance transformer that is not fully
optimized for the 4-8 GHz ALMA required band. Further tests will
include mixers with better noise temperature and a full 4-8 GHz IF.
It is interesting to note that the system proved to be quite simple to
operate, i.e. not any more difficult than a DSB mixer.
- [1
- ] S. M. X. Claude, C. T. Cunningham, A. R. Kerr, and
S.-K. Pan, Design of a Sideband-Separating Balanced SIS Mixer Based on
Waveguide Hybrids, ALMA Memo No. 316
- [2
- ] A. Navarrini, D. Billon-Pierron, I. Peron, B. Lazareff,
"Design and characterization of a 225-370 GHz DSB and a 247-360 GHz
SSB waveguide SSB mixers",Proceedings of the 26th. International
Conferenceon Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Toulouse, FRANCE, 10/09/2001-
Stephan CLAUDE
Figure 4:
Assembled 2SB Mixer
Figure 5:
Open 2SB Mixer
Figure 6:
Sideband rejection for LSB and USB tuning
Figure 7:
SSB Trec, for an IF of 4-6 GHz
Figure 8:
SSB Trec, for an IF of 5 GHz
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