In the IRAM Newsletter of August 2001 (No. 49) we have reported on
the 2 mm (147 GHz) VLBI experiment made in March and April 2001 on
the 3100 km long baseline between the Metsähovi 14-m telescope
(MET, Finland) and the IRAM 30-m telescope on Pico Veleta (PV, Spain).
We detected the sources 3C279 and 3C273 with a signal-to-noise ratio
of SNR
10. The angular resolution (mainly in North-South
direction) was
arcsec (see A&A 2002, 390, L
19). The success of this observation stimulated a test observation on
longer transatlantic baselines, reviving for this purpose the Kitt
Peak (KP) telescope for VLBI observations and equipping the Heinrich
Hertz Telescope (HHT) with a 2 mm receiver, a VLBI terminal, and a
maser. Last but not least, a crew had to be collected to run the
observations at the 5 participating observatories.
In April 2002, the teams of the Haystack Observatory (USA), the
Steward Observatory (USA), NRAO-Tucson (USA), the MPIfR (Germany),
the Onsala and SEST Observatory (Sweden and Chile), the Metsähovi
Observatory (SF), and IRAM have made VLBI observations at 129 GHz
between KP - HHT - PV and at 147 GHz between KP - HHT - SEST - MET
- PV. The observations at 129 GHz concentrated on SiO maser line
emission, the 147 GHz observation on continuum emission from AGNs. The
maser VYCMa was detected on the 200 km long baseline between KP- HHT,
the sources 3C 279, 3C 273 and NRAO150 (marginal) were detected on the
8500 km long baseline between KP - HHT - PV with SNRs of 10 to
40. 3C 279 was again detected between MET - PV, while unfortunately
no fringes were found to SEST. The highest angular resolution, though
only in the direction East-West of the USA and Europe baseline, is
18 arcsec.
At present the data are being completely reduced for
publication. First results were presented at the 6th EVN Symposium
held in Bonn, June 2002 (see the conference proceedings). A colourful
press release can be found on the MPIfR website (Fig. 3).
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