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2.2 The Heterodyne Interferometer

Figure 2.2 is a schematic illustration of a 2-antenna heterodyne interferometer.

Figure 2.2: Schematic Diagram of a two-element interferometer

Let us forget the frequency conversion for some time, i.e. assume $\nu_{IF} = \nu_{RF}$...

The input (amplified) signals from 2 elements of the interferometer are processed by a correlator, which is just a voltage multiplier followed by a time integrator. With one incident plane wave, the output r(t) is

 \begin{displaymath}r(t) = < v_1 \cos(2\pi\nu(t-\tau_g(t))) v_2 \cos(2\pi\nu t) >
= v_1 v_2 \cos(2 \pi\nu \tau_g(t))
\end{displaymath} (2.11)

where $\tau_g$ is obviously the geometrical delay,

 \begin{displaymath}\tau_g(t) = (\ensuremath{\mathbf b} . \ensuremath{\mathbf s} )/c
\end{displaymath} (2.12)

As $\tau_g$ varies slowly because of Earth rotation, r(t) oscillates as a cosine function, and is thus called the fringe pattern. As we had shown before that v1 and v2 were proportional to the electric field of the incident wave, the correlator output (fringe pattern) is thus proportional to the power of the wave.

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