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15.3 Mosaicing in practice


Observation and calibration

The observation of a mosaic with the Plateau de Bure interferometer and the calibration of the data do not present any specific difficulties. We just mention here a few practical remarks:

Mosaic reconstruction

The point is now to reconstruct a mosaic from the observations of each field, in an optimal way in terms of signal-to-noise ratio. Just forget for the time being the effects of the convolution by the dirty beam. Each field i can thus be written: $F_i = B_i \times I + N_i$, where Bi is the primary beam of the interferometer, centered in a different direction for each observation i, and Ni is the corresponding noise distribution. In practice, the same phase center (i.e. the same coordinate system) is used for all the fields. We are thus in the classical framework of several observations of the same unknown quantity I, each one being affected by a weighting factor Bi. The best estimate of I, in the least-square sense, is thus given by:

 \begin{displaymath}\widetilde{I} = \frac{\displaystyle \sum\nolimits_i \frac{B_i...
...\,F_i}{\displaystyle \sum\nolimits_i \frac{B_i^2}{\sigma_i^2}}
\end{displaymath} (15.9)

where the sum includes all the observed fields and $\sigma_i$ is the rms of the noise distribution Ni. (Note that in Eq.15.9 as well as in the following equations, $\sigma_i$ is a number while other letters denote two-dimensional distributions).

Linear vs. non-linear mosaics

The problem which remains to be address is the deconvolution of the mosaic. This is actually the main difficulty of mosaic interferometric observations. Two different approaches have been proposed (e.g. [Cornwell 1993]):

Linear mosaicing: each field is deconvolved using classical technics, and a mosaic is reconstructed afterwards with the clean images, according to equation 15.9.
Non-linear mosaicing: a joint deconvolution of all the fields is performed, i.e. the reconstruction and the deconvolution of the mosaic are done simultaneously.

The deconvolution algorithms are highly non-linear, and the two methods are therefore not equivalent. The first one is straightforward to implement, but the non-linear mosaicing algorithms give much better results. Indeed, the combination of the adjacent fields in a mosaic allows to estimate visibilities which were not observed (see previous paragraph), it allows to remove sidelobes in the whole mapped area, and it increases the sensitivity in the (large) overlapping regions: these effects make the deconvolution much more efficient.

Non-linear deconvolution methods based on the MEM algorithm have been proposed by [Cornwell 1988]) and [Sault et al 1996]. As CLEAN deconvolutions are usually applied on Plateau de Bure data, a CLEAN-based method adapted to the case of the mosaics has been developed. The initial idea was proposed by F. Viallefond (DEMIRM, Paris) and S. Guilloteau (IRAM), and the algorithm is now implemented in the MAPPING software.

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