2011 News

November 10, 2011
Winter 2011/12 PC ratings are now available!
The IRAM program committee convened in Grenoble on October 24 and 25 to evaluate the proposals submitted for the winter 2011/2012 scheduling period. The discussions were organized in 2 panels which were chaired by Santiago Garcia-Burillo (OAN, Madrid) and Henrik Beuther (MPIA, Heidelberg).
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October 14, 2011
IRAM ARC Node: Kick-off for ALMA Early Science Observations
ALMA scientific operations have begun on September 30, 2011, when the array started to observe the high-priority projects selected after the Cycle 0 call for proposals. Since the origin of this project in Europe, IRAM has been deeply involved in the ALMA design and construction. Some of the main recent or current contributions of the institute to ALMA include...
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August 8, 2011
The NOEMA Project
On June 28, 2011, an exceptional IRAM Executive Council was held at the Instituto Geogràfico Nacional in Madrid. During this celebratory meeting, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the IRAM Partners (CNRS, MPG and IGN) and the institute itself. The signatories expressed their common wish to extend their successful cooperation in running IRAM through the end of 2024. This extension shall include an extension of the Plateau de Bure Interferometer to a facility called the Northern Extended Millimeter Array or NOEMA. The signature of this documents represents a milestone in the history of IRAM...
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August 1, 2011
Kryo 2011: Deadline for registration has been extended!
The deadline for registration to the Meeting on Cryoelectronic Devices has been extended to August 15, 2011. Since 25 years the meeting provides an active discussion platform for the German cryoelectronic research community. Exceptionally, this year the meeting will be held near Grenoble, France. The Grenoble area hosts a large number of active research groups working...
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July 26, 2011
Call for proposals for the winter semester 2011/12
Covering the period from December 2011 to May 2012, this year’s second proposal deadline for IRAM facilities will be on September 22, 2011. As usual, the submission facility will be opened about three weeks before the deadline.
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June 27, 2011
4th Microresonator Workshop: deadline for registration has been extended!
The Deadline for registration to the 4th Workshop on the Physics and Application of Superconducting Microresonators has been extended to July 8, 2011. Superconducting microresonators have recently generated great interest for various applications such as particle and photon detection or in circuit QED and quantum computing. Although...
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May 5, 2011
Summer 2011 PC ratings available!
The IRAM program committee convened in Granada on April 18 and 19 to evaluate the proposals submitted for the summer 2011 scheduling period. The discussions were organized in 2 panels which were chaired by Andrew Blain (Dept. of Astronomy, Leicester) and Sylvain Bontemps (LAB/OASU Bordeaux).
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April 14, 2011
Meeting on cryoelectronic devices - October 2-4, 2011
In 2011, the yearly meeting on cryoelectronic devices will be organized by IRAM. Since 25 years the meeting provides an active discussion platform for the German cryoelectronic research community. Exceptionally, this year the meeting will be held near Grenoble, France. The Grenoble area hosts a large number of active research groups working on superconducting devices and cryotechnology. These groups are invited to participate...
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April 5, 2011
ALMA Early Science - Proposal Preparation
The first call for proposals for ALMA Early Science (Cycle 0) has been issued on March 30, 2011 with a proposal deadline of June 30, 2011. In order to assist prospective users in the preparation and submission of their proposals, the IRAM ARC node is organizing a workshop on Tuesday May 24, 2011 at IRAM Grenoble.
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March 21, 2011
4th Microresonator Workshop, July 28-29, 2011 in Grenoble
Superconducting microresonators have recently generated great interest for various applications such as particle and photon detection or in circuit QED and quantum computing. Although some of these applications such as kinetic inductance detectors for FIR detection are close to reach system level, many questions remain to be tackled...
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March 14, 2011
IRAM Newsletter Number 76
The new issue of the IRAM Newsletter (number 76) is now online. Since the last issue, the Plateau de Bure interferometer underwent major enhancements. The refurbishment of all antennas with aluminium panels was completed. The LO reference systemwas upgraded from DRO to YIG-based oscillators...
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February 16, 2011
Call for proposals for the summer semester 2011
The call is now online! This year’s first proposal deadline for IRAM facilities will be on March 17, 2011. As usual, the submission facility will be opened about three weeks before the deadline.
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January 18, 2011
6th IRAM 30m Summer School 2011 - Registration is now possible
The next IRAM 30m Summer School will be held from 23 to 30 September 2011 at Pradollano (Sierra Nevada). Applications will be accepted from young scientists with little previous experience in mm-astronomy.
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