
Important update for our science users

November 11, 2021

Since April 2020 IRAM operated its facilities and provided user support through service or remote observations and online support respectively. This allowed to continue operation and to provide science support throughout this difficult time.

Due to the evolution of the pandemic situation we adapt now in a first step the mode of operation in line with local national regulations in the following way.

As of 1st December 2021 visiting astronomers for observations with the IRAM 30-meter telescope are invited to take up again regular observations in person. IRAM requests a valid certificate for complete vaccination for persons who travel to Granada to perform observations with the IRAM 30-meter telescope. The visitors are requested to show their vaccination certificates at the reception desk upon arrival at the Granada offices. In case of late or week-end arrival, they will be requested to show their vaccination certificates, either at the reception desk early in the morning of the first working day after arrival, or directly to the IRAM driver upon taking the transport to the observatory.

Travel and support will follow the traditional rules with full reimbursement for astronomers from IRAM partner countries and TNA support for eligible astronomers from non-IRAM partner countries. If your project is eligible for TNA support by ORP under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program (cf. last call for proposals), please inquire the availability of travel funds by contacting Carsten Kramer with cc to Jaimey Durand (science secretary). Please contact Jaimey Durand (or Laura Moreno for Spanish observers only) to organise your travel and observations.

In case you already confirmed remote observations in the next months, and you now want to visit instead the 30-meter telescope, please fill-out again the observations confirmation form to inform us.

The data reduction support for NOEMA and ALMA through the IRAM Science Operations Group and the IRAM ALMA node will for the time being continue to be exclusively provided through virtual face-to-face support until further notice.