Mayor of Grenoble and Member of Parliament visit IRAM exhibition stand at the Fête de la Science
November 12, 2009
The photo shows Grenoble's mayor, Michel Destot, and Geneviève Fioraso, Member of the French Parliament, during their visit of the IRAM exhibition stand at the "Village des Sciences de Grenoble 2009". During 4 days and on the occasion of the French "Fête de la Science", IRAM staff members, astronomers and engineers were explaining IRAM's activities to a general public.
School classes and individuals could discover cosmic sources at different wavelengths, how to operate a radio observatory at an altitude of more than 2500 meters and find out about state-of-the-art receiver systems, able to detect even weakest signals from space. Undoubtfully one of the visitors' highlights: the infrared camera, installed in order to illustrate the difference between visible light and light or radiation at other wavelengths. Children, families and individuals got printed versions of their infrared and optical pictures which they could take home as a souvenir of their day at the Village des Sciences.