2018 News

December 3, 2018
The Emerald: a jewel to understand the evolution of early massive galaxies
Using NOEMA and the IRAM 30-meter telescope, an international team of astronomers just witnessed how the sites of the most intense star formation in the early Universe communicate with their surroundings through rapid gas exchange. Their findings offer unprecedented insights into the most rapid evolutionary phase of massive galaxies, about 11 billion years ago...
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September 19, 2018
Halfway mark for NOEMA
IRAM and its partner institutes celebrate the succesful completion of NOEMA phase 1. Four years after the inauguration of the first NOEMA antenna, the array counts currently 10 antennas and has provided first groud-breaking scientific results...
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19 septembre, 2018
Une étape majeure pour la construction du radiotélescope NOEMA
Quatre ans après l'inauguration de la première antenne NOEMA, dix antennes de 15 mètres constituent actuellement l'observatoire et ont donné des résultats scientifiques innovants...
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August 28,2018
NOEMA observatory - virtual tour now online
Discover the most powerful millimeter radiotelescope of the Northern Hemisphere. Enjoy panoramic views of NOEMA and its antennas and immerse in daily operation of the observatory at an altitude of 2550 meter above sea level.
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August 7, 2018
First detection of a radioactive molecule in interstellar space
An international team of astronomers, based in the US, Poland, Germany, Australia and France has made the first clear detection of a radioactive molecule in interstellar space: the isotopologue of aluminum monofluoride, 26AlF. Recent data – obtained with NOEMA, ALMA, IRAM 30m and APEX – suggest that this radioactive molecule was ejected into space by the collision of two stars, an extremely rare cosmic event that was witnessed on Earth as a nova, in the year 1670.
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March 12, 2018
Multiple fibers in the heart of the Orion star-forming region
A unique combination of ALMA and IRAM 30m observations reveals the internal gas structure in Orion with unprecedented detail. The new data show that the gaseous material in this star cradle is highly organized forming a wispy network of filamentary structures prior the formation of stellar embryos.
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March 12, 2018
10th IRAM millimeter interferometry school
The 10th IRAM millimeter interferometry school will be held October 1st - 05th 2018 at the IRAM headquarters (Grenoble, France). It is intended for students, post-docs and scientists who want to acquire a good knowledge of interferometry and data reduction techniques at millimeter wavelengths, with a special emphasis on the NOEMA interferometer and its new capabilities.
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