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8.5.1 Simplest case

Let's assume that $T_{load}\simeq T_{gr}\simeq T_{atm}$; then:

Mload-Matm = $\displaystyle \eta_f T_{gr} e^{-\tau}$  
Msou-Matm = $\displaystyle \Delta T_{A}^* e^{-\tau}$  
$\displaystyle \Delta T_{A}^*$ = $\displaystyle \frac{M_{sou}-M_{atm}}{M_{load}-M_{atm}} \eta_{f} T_{gr}$ (8.31)

Note that in Eq.8.31, the measurement of the antenna temperature includes the atmospheric opacity correction, but does not depend explicitly on an assumption on the atmospheric opacity. We can write:

 \begin{displaymath}\Delta T_A^*= \frac{M_{sou}-M_{atm}}{M_{load}-M_{atm}}{\bf T_{cal}}
\end{displaymath} (8.32)

where we define Tcal as $T_{cal}= \eta_f T_{gr} \simeq \eta_f T_{atm}$.

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