Financial support to visiting astronomers on mission to IRAM-Grenoble for data reduction

Financial support is granted to the Principal Investigators from institutes in the IRAM member states on a NOEMA data reduction mission to Grenoble. IRAM provides free transportation, board and lodging to these astronomers.
Only under exceptional circumstances, financial support can be provided for an additional astronomer, and after prior consent by IRAM.


I. Eligible scientists from the IRAM member states

  • France : Astronomers working at French observatories and universities.
  • Germany : Astronomers working at Max-Planck Institutes.
  • Astronomers working at German universities may also be eligible to travel reimbursement, provided they fill a special form.
  • Spain : Astronomers working at the Instituto Geografico Nacional.

Rules for Reimbursement

Generally, visiting astronomers are asked to book their travel tickets themselves. The conditions for reimbursement are as follows :

  • AIR : The reimbursement of flight tickets is made on the basis of the cheapest price available for a roundtrip. The authorization by IRAM must be obtained for any exception to this regulation. Public transportation (shuttle) from and to the airport, should be used. Taxis are reimbursed only if a bus or train service is not available at the time of flights (please keep all receipts).

  • TRAIN : For travel by train, the costs of a 2nd class ticket will be reimbursed. Supplements for high-speed trains and sleeper are eligible expenses.

  • CAR : Mileage expenses by private car are not reimbursed by IRAM.

  • ACCOMODATION : The same eligibility rules apply for accomodation reimbursement. Accomodation in a 2 stars hotel will be organized by IRAM.

Reimbursement procedure

On their arrival at IRAM, visiting astronomers will be held a Travel Request Form which is to be filled in, signed and sent to IRAM (Attention : “Service des Missions”), together with trip tickets and all necessary receipts.


II. Scientists eligible for TA (RadioNet) support

OPTICON-RadioNet Pilot (ORP) has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101004719 from 01-03-2021 to 29-02-2024.

TA support may be available for eligible projects. Please submit your request to the IRAM RadioNet TA leader (




III. Not supported astronomers

When free board, lodging and travel are not provided by IRAM, the charges are as follows :

Taxi Geneva-Grenoble* 160 km, roughly 180 euros
Taxi Lyon-Grenoble 100 km, roughly 160 euros
Train Return ticket Geneva – Grenoble 100 km, 40 euros
Bus shuttle Return ticket Lyon St-Exupery – Grenoble 30 euros
Meals in the proximity of IRAM about 12 euros