Guidelines for Observing Time at the IRAM Facilities
Considering the much increased time requests for the IRAM telescopes over the last few years, taking into account the early science operations of ALMA, and considering the substantial new investments of the IRAM partners into upgrading the Plateau de Bure interferometer into NOEMA, the following guidelines for allocation of telescope time have been put in place:
- In deciding on proposal rankings the Program Committee is requested to take into account the publication record and impact of the proposers with previous IRAM telescope time allocations. The proposers should also note in their application whether the same or a similar proposal was or is intended to be submitted to ALMA, in which case a special justification is required why IRAM telescope time is needed.
- A part of the available observing time may be invested into projects submitted by PIs affiliated with institutes in non-IRAM partner countries.
- The fraction of time for Large Programs can be expanded to a total of about 50% of the scheduled telescope time on either of the IRAM telescopes. In order to ensure proper management of these programs in close interaction with the IRAM observatory, including the provision of suitable archive data products for the general scientific community, only programs led by a PI located in one of the IRAM partner countries will be considered.
- Once accepted, PIs of Large Programs cannot submit other proposals (as PI) during the active time of the Large Program.
Finally, we inform that observing time has been reserved by the IRAM partners for the mutually agreed "Observatory Program'' MIOP since the end of the summer 2019 observing semester for a 5-year period.