Program of the 7th 30m summerschool

Friday September 13rd

22:00 Reception and Dinner at the hotel Kenia

Saturday September 14th

08:00 Breakfast

09:00 Welcome by Manuel Gonzalez (Chair: Sandra Trevino)
09:10 Calibration of single-dish data by Carsten Kramer
10:00 Radiative transfer in molecular clouds by Manuel Gonzalez
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Observation modes and GILDAS data processing by Jerome Pety

13:30 Lunch

14:30-15:00 Working Groups: split-up

Working groups:

Group I: Chemistry of the ISM with Bertrand Lefloch and Sandra Trevino                                                           
Group II: Solar system objects with Nicolas Biver and Clement Druard
Group III: External galaxies with Xavier Desert and Israel Hermelo                                                                      
Group IV: Star formation with Nicolas Peretto and Manuel Gonzalez                                                                   
Group V: The diffuse interstellar medium with Jerome Pety and Pierre Gratier

15:00-18:00 Working Groups
19:00 Combining single-dish and interferometric data by Jerome Pety
20:30 Dinner

30m observations:
15:00-19:30 Group I (bus leaves after the split-up, observations start at 15:00, return at ~19:45)
19:30-24:00 Group II (bus leaves from hotel at 19:00, observations start at 19:30, return at ~00:15)
Each group has 4.5 hours of observing time. In addition, we reserved some backup time. For the
2nd group to leave for the observatory, the hotel is preparing a dinner box.

Sunday September 15th

08:00 Breakfast

09:00 Heterodyne Receivers by Alessandro Navarrini (Chair: Manuel Gonzalez)
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Basic Physical Processes in Molecular Clouds by Bertrand Lefloch
12:30 Millimeter Calibration II by Carsten Kramer

13:30 Lunch

15:00-18:00 Working Groups
19:00 Chemistry: from pre-stellar cores to protostars by Bertrand Lefloch
20:30 Dinner

30m observations:
15:00-19:30 Group III (bus leaves from the hotel at 14:30, observations start at 15:00, return at ~19:45)
19:30-24:00 Group IV (bus leaves from hotel at 19:00, observations start at 19:30, return at ~00:15)

Monday September 16th

08:00 Breakfast

09:00 Chemistry: from pre-stellar cores to protostars II by Bertrand Lefloch (Chair: Pierre Gratier)
10:00 Star Formation by Nicolas Peretto
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Star Formation II 
12:30 Continuum observations: Basics by Xavier Desert

13:30 Lunch

15:00-18:00 Working Groups

20:30 Dinner

30m observations (buses leave the hotel at 14:30 and 19:00):
15:00-19:30 Group I (B.Lefloch, backup time) 
19:30-24:00 Group V (J.Pety)

Tuesday September 17th

08:00 Breakfast

09:00 Continuum surveys II: Instruments, Observations, Polarimetry by Xavier Desert (Chair: Clement Druard)
10:00 Star Formation III by Nicolas Peretto
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Magnetic fields and Polarimetry by Helmut Wiesemeyer

13:30 Lunch

15:00-18:00 Working Groups

20:30 Dinner

30m observations (busses leave at 14:30 and 19:00)
16:30-19:30 Group II, N.Biver, backup time
19:30-24:00 Group III, X.Desert, backup time

Wednesday September 18th

08:00 Breakfast

09:00 Solar System by Nicolas Biver (Chair: Israel Hermelo)
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Solar System by Nicolas Biver
12:30 Photon dominated regions I by Asuncion Fuente

13:30 Lunch

14:30-24:00 Visit of Granada: Alhambra and more. The entry of the
Palacios Nazaries is at 17:30.
At midnight the bus will leave from the Parking at
the Alhambra to return to Pradollano.

For those who do not wish to visit the Alhambra:
15:00-18:00 Working Groups
15:00-19:30 30m observations - backup
19:30-24:00 30m observations - backup


Thursday September 19th

08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Photon dominated regions II by Asuncion Fuente (Chair: Sebastien Bardeau)
10:00 Photon dominated regions III by Asuncion Fuente
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 New results from Planck by Xavier Desert
12:30 The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) by Helmut Wiesemeyer

13:30 Lunch

15:00-18:00 Working Groups

21:00 Conference Dinner

Friday September 20th

08:00 Breakfast

Presentation of Projects by the five working groups (Chair: Carsten Kramer)
09:00 Galaxies
09:20 Solar System
09:40 Diffuse ISM
10:00 Star Formation
10:20 Chemistry of the ISM

11:00 Departure of Bus