50th Young European Radio Astronomers Conference

Virtual Edition


Presentation Guidelines

The YERAC accomodates two types of contributions. 

Oral contributions - will be allocated 15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for Q & A. Please respect the time provided as this Q & A interaction is an important part of a productive conference. Talks that exceed the allocated time will be cut short to follow the planned conference schedule. These contributions are to be uploaded to the conference cloud no later than the day before the assigned session. Uploaded file names must include the registered last name of the participant, the type of contribution (oral), and be in PDF format (e.g. einstein-oral.pdf).

Poster contributions - will be allocated 3 minutes during the poster sessions to orally advertise the poster. Authors are invited to either present the poster directly or up to 3 supplementary slides about the content of the poster. No Q & A time is allocated for poster presentations, but participants who may have questions are invited to communicate directly with the presenters via the chat room. Posters are to be uploaded to the conference cloud no later than the day before the assigned session. Uploaded file names must include the registered last name of the participant, the type of upload (poster, supplementary slides), and be in PDF format (e.g. hubble-poster.pdf, hubble-poster-supp.pdf).

We recommend avoiding animated effects and overlapping graphics in presentations. If you would like to include a video during your presentation, you are encouraged to include a link in your presentation so that it can be accessed after the conference. Please avoid uploading files larger than 50 MB. Participants who would like to make changes to their presentation, during or after the conference, may upload an updated version until September 10.

All oral contributions will be presented via screen-sharing of the participant's screen, poster presentations will be displayed via the moderator's screen. Participants should make sure that they have a stable internet connection for the duration of their presentation. Background noise should be minimised so that every presenter can be heard clearly when speaking. The audience's microphones must be turned off during the presentations. 

The link to upload oral and poster contributions is here.