5th IRAM 30m Summer School

Paving the way: From Millimeter to Far-Infrared Astronomy

September 4 - 11, 2009 in Pradollano (Sierra Nevada, Spain)

 We will use the IRAM 30m telescope to observe planets, stars, dusty clouds, and whole galaxies, out to the most distant objects known today. On the way, we will discuss the key science questions on the one hand, and calibration and observing techniques on the other hand. At the same time, we will show how these observations pave the way for observations at far-infrared wavelengths.

Several of the Lecturers are deeply involved in observing projects with Herschel which has been successfully launched on May, 14th, 2009. We will discuss the preparatory work done at the IRAM 30m telescope, and we may be able to discuss first results obtained with Herschel.

This fifth school in IRAM Spain is aimed at attracting new astrophysicists to current and future single-dish mm-, submm-, and far-infrared telescopes. Applications will be accepted from young scientists with little previous experience in mm-astronomy. The course is limited to about 40 students, who will be selected on the basis of their interests, CV, and references.

The school runs over one week from Friday September, 4 to Friday September, 11, with six days of 4 to 5 hours of lectures, allowing ample time for small working groups to prepare, conduct, and reduce observations at the 30m telescope. The working groups are led by the lecturers, which will be supported by IRAM staff members. At the last day of the school, the results of the working groups will be presented and discussed. Friday, 4th, and 11th, are arrival and departure days.

This school is partially funded by the RadioNet FP7 program.

For more details about the IRAM 30m Summer School use the menu on the left.


Download the School Poster.